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Introducing the first ever data centre in Himalayas with world class encrypted data security. Our data centre allows all users to store, process, and distribute all kinds of data.

Welcome to the first ever data centre in Himalayas!

About Us

Have you ever wondered that how do people in mountain region of India connect to the world without any difficulties? Due to harsh conditions and cold climate, the internet problems in Himalayas are more than other places, due to which the people living there have to face difficulties while searching anything, etc. We are going to launch a data centre in the Himalayas that will provide internet to the people living there to make their lives easy.

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We are going to provide electric heated suits to the workers that will work to setup the data centre in the Himalayas. Their suits will be heated by the concept of electric heating (electrical energy to thermal energy). We will use solar and wind energy as a long term energy supply for our data centre which is really helpful in mountain regions.

Growth Strategy

Phase Plan
Phase 1 : May 2023 We will hire the workers and base the foundation of the data centre
on a place in Himalayas where there is comparatively less cold.
Phase 2 : October 2023 We will setup our networked computers, computer infrastructure ,
storage systems, server clouds and server farms
Phase 3 : February 2023 We will finish our build and hire workers to work in the data centre